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Welcome to NAC-NAPC
The North America Championship, and North America Programming Camp are premier events conducted by the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). The ICPC regulates a series of algorithmic programming competitions around the world on an annual basis to advance top performers to the pinnacle of programming events: The ICPC World Finals. Teams of three, representing their university, work to solve the most challenging real-world problems, fostering collaboration, creativity, innovation, and the ability to perform under pressure. Throughout the year, over 60,000 teams from around the globe compete for one of the coveted 128 placements at the ICPC World Finals, in order to compete with the best of the best and vie for a shot as the World Champions! North America is one of 8 ICPC Regions around the globe that sends teams to the World Finals. There are 11 Regional Contests within North America. Annually, more than 2,500 teams from North America compete in programming events to progress to the NAC, with approximately 12 teams advancing to the World Finals, depending on performance. The NAC is a premier programming competition in North America for the best teams in the Region and is a great source of pride for the institutions and communities that these competing teams represent. The NAC is also a unique event for the event’s sponsors as they have the opportunity to interact not only with some of the best collegiate programmers in North America but also with the schools that train these talented programmers. Five years ago (2020) was the first year that the ICPC NAC took place in North America (February 2020 at Georgia Tech). It was also the first year that the North America Programming Camp (NAPC) was planned for the North America teams that were headed to the 2020 ICPC World Finals, as well as other invited teams. The 2020 NAPC was expected to take place at the University of Central Florida in April 2020, but due to COVID-19, was held virtually instead. 2021 was the first year that the NAC and NAPC events combined and were executed virtually at the University of Central Florida (UCF) in August 8-15, 2021. This year (2025) will be the fourth time that the NAC and NAPC will be a combined event held at UCF. It will bring to the UCF campus 50 programming teams to compete at the NAC for a chance to advance to the ICPC World Finals. All of these teams will be involved in appropriate training opportunities during the May 22 – 27 2025 NAC-NAPC combined event. They will also have the chance to interact with the NAC-NAPC event sponsors.