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Research in 60 Seconds: How to Handle Mistreatment in the Workplace

Whether it’s solving the world’s biggest problems or investigating the potential of novel discoveries, researchers at UCF are on the edge scientific breakthroughs that aim to make an impact. Through the Research in 60 Seconds series, student and faculty researchers condense their complex studies into bite-sized summaries so you can know how and why Knights plan to improve our world.

Name: Shannon Taylor
Position:  Professor of management in the College of Business

Why are you interested in this research?
Studying workplace mistreatment is not only intellectually stimulating but also socially relevant. Better understanding its causes, consequences, and potential interventions can help people navigate and cope with mistreatment, and it can provide insights into how organizations can mitigate mistreatment to enhance employee satisfaction, well-being, and performance.

Who inspires you to conduct your research?
I often hear from people who have experienced mistreatment at work, and I often speak with managers who want to know how to handle it. These people inspire me to keep going, to keep learning more and to keep contributing in my own small way to foster respectful work environments for future generations.

How does UCF empower you to do your research?
I’m grateful to UCF for providing me with the resources and environment where I can do meaningful, impactful work. I also feel empowered working alongside my talented colleagues and Ph.D. students in the management department.

What major grants and honors have you earned to support your research?
I have been fortunate to receive summer research grants and research productivity awards from the College of Business, as well as Research Incentive Awards from the university. My work has also been honored in the best paper proceedings of the Academy of Management.

Why is this research important?
Workplace mistreatment can cost organizations millions of dollars, and it can end careers, marriages and even lives. So research on workplace mistreatment is important because the stakes can be very high.