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- All dayCECS Senior Design ShowcaseIt's that time again! The College of Engineering and Computer Science alumni chapter has begun preparing for this semester's Senior Design Showcase and we are so excited for another great event! We are looking for alumni and industry professionals to volunteer their time and expertise as a judge for the event and help us recognize the outstanding work of our graduating seniors. Judges will be asked to review projects in the following disciplines:* Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering * Electrical and Computer Engineering * Computer Science * Industrial Engineering and Management Systems * Interdisciplinary projectsJudging is open to all of our alumni, industry partners and anyone who is an engineer!* April 14-15 | Virtual Judging * April 18 | In-person JudgingVirtual Location URL:
- All dayCECS Senior Design ShowcaseIt's that time again! The College of Engineering and Computer Science alumni chapter has begun preparing for this semester's Senior Design Showcase and we are so excited for another great event! We are looking for alumni and industry professionals to volunteer their time and expertise as a judge for the event and help us recognize the outstanding work of our graduating seniors. Judges will be asked to review projects in the following disciplines:* Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering * Electrical and Computer Engineering * Computer Science * Industrial Engineering and Management Systems * Interdisciplinary projectsJudging is open to all of our alumni, industry partners and anyone who is an engineer!* April 14-15 | Virtual Judging * April 18 | In-person JudgingVirtual Location URL:
- All dayUCF Alumni Book Club Book Madness: A Tournament of BooksUCF Alumni Book Club Book Madness: A Tournament of BooksMarch 17 - April 7It's bracket season, and the UCF Alumni Book Club is hosting Book Madness again. Join in the fun as sixteen books compete to be one of our 2025 Book Club reads! [Register now]( to download your Book Madness bracket. Voting begins on March 17!Questions? Contact us at []( Location URL: Registration Link:
- All dayUCF Alumni Book Club Book Madness: A Tournament of BooksUCF Alumni Book Club Book Madness: A Tournament of BooksMarch 17 - April 7It's bracket season, and the UCF Alumni Book Club is hosting Book Madness again. Join in the fun as sixteen books compete to be one of our 2025 Book Club reads! [Register now]( to download your Book Madness bracket. Voting begins on March 17!Questions? Contact us at []( Location URL: Registration Link:
- 10:00 AM7hSpring 2025 BFA Exhibition IThe Spring 2024 BFA Exhibition I provides the opportunity for senior undergraduate students specializing in book arts, ceramics, drawing, illustration, painting, photography, printmaking, and sculpture to share their research and artistic practice.Join us for the Opening Reception on Thursday, March 27 from 5 p.m. to 7p.m. | [Register]( more info about the exhibition and the digital catalog, visit: []( ________________________________________________________Exhibition dates: March 27, 2025 - April 4, 2025 | Opening Reception: Thursday, March 27, 5 - 7pm | [RSVP](, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Closed on major holidays Admission is FREE _________________________________________________________The UCF Art Gallery at the University of Central Florida serves as a catalyst for visual art experiences and education, culture, and community engagement. Our mission is to encourage dialogue and engagement between students, faculty, members of the community, and artists by providing a framework for intellectual and creative inquiry. The gallery hosts exhibitions and programming that examine cultural and social contexts and support contemporary art practices.Free parking is available in Garage F next to the Addition Financial Arena. Parking lot H4 or Garage I requires purchasing a $5 daily virtual visitor permit Purchase Here. Please note that visitors should park in green student spaces ONLY, as the $5 daily virtual permit does not cover red and blue spaces. After 5:30 p.m., daily virtual visitor permits are allowed to park in faculty, staff, unreserved, or student spaces. Visitors can register their vehicle's license plate information into the online parking system. [Purchase a permit]( Registration Link: Registration Info: Admission is free and open to the public
- 10:00 AM7hSpring 2025 BFA Exhibition IThe Spring 2024 BFA Exhibition I provides the opportunity for senior undergraduate students specializing in book arts, ceramics, drawing, illustration, painting, photography, printmaking, and sculpture to share their research and artistic practice.Join us for the Opening Reception Thursday, March 27, from 5-7p.m. | [Register]([Learn more info about the exhibition and the digital catalog.]( ________________________________________________________Exhibition dates: March 27, 2025 - April 4, 2025 | Opening Reception: Thursday, March 27, from 5 - 7 p.m. | [RSVP](, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed on major holidays Admission is FREE _________________________________________________________The UCF Art Gallery at the University of Central Florida serves as a catalyst for visual art experiences and education, culture and community engagement. Our mission is to encourage dialogue and engagement between students, faculty, members of the community, and artists by providing a framework for intellectual and creative inquiry. The gallery hosts exhibitions and programming that examine cultural and social contexts and support contemporary art practices.Free parking is available in Garage F next to the Addition Financial Arena. Parking lot H4 or Garage I requires [purchasing a $5 daily virtual visitor permit]( Please note that visitors should park in green student spaces ONLY, as the $5 daily virtual permit does not cover red and blue spaces. After 5:30 p.m., daily virtual visitor permits are allowed to park in faculty, staff, unreserved or student spaces. Visitors can register their vehicle's license plate information into the online parking system. Registration Link: Registration Info: Admission is free and open to the public.
- 11:00 AM1hCREOL Spring Colloquium: David Miller, Stanford UniversityTitle: Optics a la mode - a new way of making, using and understanding optics Abstract: Modern micro and nano fabrication now let us make complex and highly functional optics. Examples include sophisticated metasurfaces and highly programmable and even self-configuring silicon photonic interferometer meshes, with many potential applications in areas such as imaging, sensing and communications. Such systems are, however, quite unlike the previous optics of lenses, mirrors and prisms, so we also need new ways to think about them, physically and mathematically. Fortunately, there is a very powerful new "modal" approach for these and other complex wave systems, one that is both mathematically straightforward and physically directly meaningful. It leads to new fundamental physical laws and limits, gives new understanding of old optics, such as why your mobile phone camera needs thickness and where diffraction limits really come from, correctly counts channels for communication and sensing, and opens new design approaches and classes of optical systems and applications. Programmable circuits based on such ideas can also exploit convenient new architectures, topologies and algorithms that allow simple control and even direct optical solution of difficult problems in real time. The talk will introduce these ideas, showing how these lead to new systems, applications, understanding and limits in optics and waves generally. About the Speaker: David Miller is the W.M. Keck Professor of Electrical Engineering Emeritus at Stanford University. He received his Ph. D in Physics from Heriot-Watt University in 1979, and before Stanford was with Bell Laboratories from 1981 to 1996, as a department head from 1987. His interests include nanophotonics, quantum-well optoelectronics, and optics in information sensing, interconnects, and processing. He has published more than 300 scientific papers, a quantum mechanics text, and over 75 patents, and has a Google h-index; 110. He was President of IEEE LEOS (now Photonics Society) in 1995. He has also taught open online quantum mechanics classes to over 80,000 students. He has received several awards, is a Fellow of AAAS, APS, OSA, IEEE, the Electromagnetics Academy, the Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh, holds two Honorary Doctorates, and is a Member of the US National Academies of Sciences and of Engineering.Virtual Location URL:
- 11:00 AM1hCREOL Spring Colloquium: David Miller, Stanford UniversityTitle: Optics a la mode - a new way of making, using and understanding optics Abstract: Modern micro and nano fabrication now let us make complex and highly functional optics. Examples include sophisticated metasurfaces and highly programmable and even self-configuring silicon photonic interferometer meshes, with many potential applications in areas such as imaging, sensing and communications. Such systems are, however, quite unlike the previous optics of lenses, mirrors and prisms, so we also need new ways to think about them, physically and mathematically. Fortunately, there is a very powerful new "modal" approach for these and other complex wave systems, one that is both mathematically straightforward and physically directly meaningful. It leads to new fundamental physical laws and limits, gives new understanding of old optics, such as why your mobile phone camera needs thickness and where diffraction limits really come from, correctly counts channels for communication and sensing, and opens new design approaches and classes of optical systems and applications. Programmable circuits based on such ideas can also exploit convenient new architectures, topologies and algorithms that allow simple control and even direct optical solution of difficult problems in real time. The talk will introduce these ideas, showing how these lead to new systems, applications, understanding and limits in optics and waves generally. About the Speaker: David Miller is the W.M. Keck Professor of Electrical Engineering Emeritus at Stanford University. He received his Ph. D in Physics from Heriot-Watt University in 1979, and before Stanford was with Bell Laboratories from 1981 to 1996, as a department head from 1987. His interests include nanophotonics, quantum-well optoelectronics, and optics in information sensing, interconnects, and processing. He has published more than 300 scientific papers, a quantum mechanics text, and over 75 patents, and has a Google h-index; 110. He was President of IEEE LEOS (now Photonics Society) in 1995. He has also taught open online quantum mechanics classes to over 80,000 students. He has received several awards, is a Fellow of AAAS, APS, OSA, IEEE, the Electromagnetics Academy, the Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh, holds two Honorary Doctorates, and is a Member of the US National Academies of Sciences and of Engineering.Virtual Location URL:
- 12:00 PM1hAccounting MSA Information SessionJoin us for our online information session for the [Master's of Science in Accounting]( program. This session will provide detailed information about the program including curriculum, learning outcomes, schedule, application process and admission process. Q&A with Program Director, [Elizabeth Altiero Poziemski PhD]( and Coordinator of Graduate Admissions, [Meredith Smart]( Location URL: Registration Link:
- 12:00 PM1hAccounting MSA Information SessionJoin us for our online information session for the [Master's of Science in Accounting]( program. This session will provide detailed information about the program including curriculum, learning outcomes, schedule, application process and admission process. Q&A with Program Director, [Elizabeth Altiero Poziemski PhD]( and Coordinator of Graduate Admissions, [Meredith Smart]( Location URL: Registration Link:
- 12:00 PM1hLove Versus Emotional HungerEmotional hunger can look like love and is often mistaken for it. This workshop focuses on the difference between the two, effects of emotional hunger on a relationship, longings and genuine affection, loving responses and those determined by emotional hunger.This workshop is part of the Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) Well-Being Online Workshop (WOW) series! [Learn about CAPS and other workshops.]( Location URL:
- 12:00 PM1hLove Versus Emotional HungerEmotional hunger can look like love and is often mistaken for it. This workshop focuses on the difference between the two, effects of emotional hunger on a relationship, longings and genuine affection, loving responses and those determined by emotional hunger.This workshop is part of the Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) Well-Being Online Workshop (WOW) series! [Learn about CAPS and other workshops.]( Location URL:
- 12:00 PM2hAdult First Aid/CPR/AED ClassThe RWC offers American Red Cross Adult CPR/AED, First Aid Blended Learning classes. The Blended Learning class includes an online portion (approx. two-to-three hours long) and an instructor-led class skills session (approx. two hours long). The online portion must be completed prior to attending the in-class skills session.Each participant who successfully completes the course will earn an American Red Cross certificate in Adult First Aid, CPR with AED. The certificate is valid for two years.To register for this class please call 407-823-2408, or walk in to the RWC administrative office between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and someone will assist you! Registration Link:
- 12:00 PM2hAdult First Aid/CPR/AED ClassThe RWC offers American Red Cross Adult CPR/AED, First Aid Blended Learning classes. The Blended Learning class includes an online portion (approx. two-to-three hours long) and an instructor-led class skills session (approx. two hours long). The online portion must be completed prior to attending the in-class skills session.Each participant who successfully completes the course will earn an American Red Cross certificate in Adult First Aid, CPR with AED. The certificate is valid for two years.To register for this class please call 407-823-2408, or walk in to the RWC administrative office between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and someone will assist you! Registration Link:
- 1:00 PM1h 30m13th Annual SVAD Art History SymposiumJoin us for the 13th Annual SVAD Art History Symposium on March 28th from 1 - 2:30 p.m. at the UCF Art Gallery. Students will present their art historical research from upper-level art history courses.The presentations include:Francesca la Madrid: "Disability in Baroque: Representation and Perception in Art"Sara Pagn Vela: "Between Divinity and Mankind: Intimacy and Religious Visionary Experience in 17th Century Art"Maximilian Young: "Self Portraits of Loathing & Exaltation: Differing Attitudes of The Self in Italian and Netherlandish Baroque History Paintings" Registration Link:
- 1:00 PM1h 30m13th Annual SVAD Art History SymposiumJoin us for the 13th Annual SVAD Art History Symposium on March 28th from 1:00 - 2:30 pm at the UCF Art Gallery. Students will present their art historical research from upper-level art history courses.The presentations include:Francesca la Madrid: "Disability in Baroque: Representation and Perception in Art"Sara Pagan Vela: "Between Divinity and Mankind: Intimacy and Religious Visionary Experience in 17th Century Art"Maximilian Young: "Self Portraits of Loathing & Exaltation: Differing Attitudes of The Self in Italian and Netherlandish Baroque History Paintings" Registration Link:
- 1:00 PM1h 30m13th Annual SVAD Art History SymposiumJoin us for the 13th Annual SVAD Art History Symposium on March 28th from 1 - 2:30 p.m. at the UCF Art Gallery. Students will present their art historical research from upper-level art history courses.The presentations include:Francesca la Madrid: "Disability in Baroque: Representation and Perception in Art"Sara Pagn Vela: "Between Divinity and Mankind: Intimacy and Religious Visionary Experience in 17th Century Art"Maximilian Young: "Self Portraits of Loathing & Exaltation: Differing Attitudes of The Self in Italian and Netherlandish Baroque History Paintings" Registration Link:
- 1:00 PM2h3D Printing Workshop: BeginnerLearn the process behind 3D printing a digital object from a selection of 3D models. Materials provided. Hosted by Jasmine Darman. Registration Link:
- 1:00 PM3hCareer Services Drop-Ins: Resume, Cover Letter LinkedIn CritiquesStop by the Kenneth G. Dixon Career Development Center (CSEL) for drop-in services by Career Services:We can critique your resume, cover letter, Linkedin or professional profiles as well as answer quick career questions.Every Monday and Friday from 1-4 p.m. in the CSEL lobby.Can't make this time or can't find an open appointment with us on Handshake? You can submit your resume on []( under network feedback section and we can critique within two business days. Or have AI give you a score for you to improve 24/7!
- 1:00 PM3hCareer Services Drop-Ins: Resume, Cover Letter LinkedIn CritiquesStop by the Kenneth G. Dixon Career Development Center (CSEL) for drop-in services by Career Services:We can critique your resume, cover letter, Linkedin or professional profiles as well as answer quick career questions.Every Monday and Friday from 1-4 p.m. in the CSEL lobby.Can't make this time or can't find an open appointment with us on Handshake? You can submit your resume on []( under network feedback section and we can critique within two business days. Or have AI give you a score for you to improve 24/7!
- 5:30 PM1hYogaJoin us for a Yoga class in the Group Exercise Studio on the 2nd floor of UnionWest! Come move with your breath and intention. Find space and move freely to find your flexibility. This is an all levels class.