Recreation and Fitness
- Recreation and Wellness Center HoursHello Knights! Welcome to UCF’s favorite place to play. From Swimming lessons, to cardio and strength workouts, to friendly and competitive competition in sport clubs, and intramural sports, to adventure trips and rock climbing. There is something for everyone at the RWC!
- Group ExerciseFrom high intensity interval training classes like the popular F45, and bootcamp, to the energy fun of Zumba, and Hip-Hop Cardio, to mind and body experiences like Barre, Yoga, and Pilates, there is a group exercise class for Knights of all fitness levels.
- IM SportsKnights versus Knights competition in intramural sports leagues and tournaments like basketball, volleyball, Esports, soccer, cricket, shuffleboard, and dodgeball. Register your team or join a team even if you don’t have one!
- Adventure Trips
- William E. and Mary Jo Davis Recreation Area at Lake ClaireKnights can relax in a beach like setting right on campus and it’s all free! Canoe or paddle board, cook-out, or enjoy sand volleyball without having to get in your car.
- Arboretum Hiking Trailshttps://arboretum.ucf.edu/resources/trails/
- FreshUFreshU offers workshops, cooking demonstrations, cooking classes, and other hands on educational experiences to increase accessibility to fresh food on campus.
- FARMacy Healthy PlatesNot sure how to prepare a fully balanced meal? We’re here to help! Join us for a cooking class led by Student Health Services’ clinical dietitians and learn to prep, chop, and cook a healthy meal using food harvested fresh from the Arboretum. At the end of the class you will get to sit down and enjoy a plate that you helped prepare!
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program CoachingConnect with a Wellness Coach to achieve your personal well-being goals and learn how to apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
- Food Pantry
- Arboretum Garden
- Coupon ClassHealthy doesn’t have to be expensive. Learn the basics of couponing and save money on grocery items during our Couponing 101 Workshop.
Social Connections
- Garden Volunteer
- Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC)The SHAC provides an essential link between UCF Student Health Services (SHS) and the UCF student body. SHAC represents the student body in relaying student health concerns to SHS, helps to promote SHS services and initiatives, and participates in SHS-sponsored events. Click to learn more and apply.
- Wellbeing Peer EducatorPeer advocates promote wellness by increasing awareness of student mental health and student health issues and encouraging positive lifestyle choices and decision-making skills through education on three main areas: sexual wellness, nutrition, and stress management.
- IM Sport GroupsKnights can connect with fellow Knights for friendly intramural sports competition in basketball, volleyball, Esports, soccer, cricket, shuffleboard, and dodgeball. Register your team or join a team even if you don’t have one.
- Group ExerciseFrom high intensity interval training classes like the popular F45, and bootcamp, to the energy fun of Zumba, and Hip-Hop Cardio, to mind and body experiences like Barre, Yoga, and Pilates, Knights connect when the workout together.
- Adventure Trips
- Group Therapy/WorkshopsCAPS offers focused groups and workshops throughout the academic year. Groups typically begin a few weeks into the semester and are free. Enrolled students can meet with a counselor to discuss group options and be referred to a pre-screening with the group facilitator(s).
- Type 1 Group at UCFAre you a UCF student with Type 1 Diabetes? Are you struggling to find your niche on campus or find a way to enjoy all these wonderful college experiences without jeopardizing your health? Type 1 is a fun, educational and interactive group developed just for you! Click to learn more and get involved.
Emotional Well-being
- Bio Feedback: WHPSBiofeedback Assisted Relaxation Training Program is a one-on-one counselor assisted training program which educates students to implement relaxation techniques in a six-session time period. Our goal is to help students reduce the stress responses that are compromising their bodies’ systems and replace them with automatic, positive responses.
- Bio Feedback: NeurofeedbackUnlock your brain’s potential with Neurofeedback available at the Health Center! Address concerns such as anxiety, ADHA, Test/performance anxiety, Alcohol/substance abuse, sleep difficulties, constant worrying, depression, headaches, and migraines. Call 407.823.2924 to schedule an appointment and get started.
- Mental Health CounselingCounseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is the only free-of-charge campus agency designated to provide comprehensive psychological services to university-enrolled students.
- Psychiatry ServicesPsychiatric evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of the full spectrum of mental health conditions are available at the Health Center. A referral is required prior to scheduling an appointment with a psychiatrist. This referral may be obtained from a previous medical or mental health provider, a UCF SHS primary care provider, or from UCF Counseling and Psychological Services. Call 407.823.3703 to schedule an appointment.
- Substance Use Disorder ServicesServices are available to provide care for students concerned about substance use or co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders. Students are provided biopsychosocial evaluation, diagnosis and outpatient treatments for a wide spectrum of substance use disorders. Our clinicians provide cognitive-behavioral therapies, motivational enhancement, and relapse prevention strategies. Appointments to satisfy a mandated substance use assessment (e.g. pre-trial diversion, probation, the Florida Safety Council, or the university) are also available. Please call 407.823.2924 for more details.
- Therapy Assisted Online (TAO) Self HelpTAO Self Help is an interactive, web-based program that provides assistance to help overcome anxiety, depression, and other concerns.
- TogetherallTogetherall is an free online peer-to-peer platform, offering a safe space to connect with others experiencing similar feelings. Whether you’re struggling to cope, feeling low or just need a place to talk, Togetherall can help you to explore your feelings in a safe supportive environment. There are always trained professionals on hand, 24/7, 365 days a year. And, if sharing isn’t your thing, Togetherall has tools and courses to help you look after yourself, along with plenty of resources to explore.
- Wellness CoachingA wellness coach works with you to realize your health goals and help you make lifestyle changes to optimize your well-being and it is free for students!
- Suicide Prevention: How to help a friend
- Health Center Appointments407.823.2701
- Student Health ServicesThe Health Center has a wide range of services available beyond basic primary care.
- After Hours CareIn the event you need care when UCF Student Health Services is closed, we have compiled a list of resources near our facilities for your convenience. Any fees incurred at these facilities will be the patient’s responsibility. There is no special discount for UCF students accessing these services. These listings do not constitute endorsement by UCF or UCF Student Health Services.
- Pre-register or update your medical insuranceTo expedite the insurance billing process, please register or update your insurance PRIOR to your visit with SHS by completing the Medical Insurance Registration Form in order to verify your insurance is active and add the information to your Electronic Health Record (EHR). Patients can also complete this process in person by providing a copy of their insurance card and photo ID to the Insurance office located on the first floor of the Health Center.
- Flu ShotsEach fall, UCF Student Health Services offers students FREE flu shots on campus (Health Center). No appointment is necessary.
- Wellness Coaching
Student Health Services offers a variety of sexual health services including STD testing, well-woman exams, PrEP (HIV Prevention) prescriptions/maintenance, and more.
General Info
- Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) About/Hours
- Student Health Services (SHS) About/Hours:UCF Student Health Services is an outpatient facility that provides primary and limited specialty services to the UCF community. All services are private and confidential. All registered UCF students can use our services regardless of health insurance coverage.
Hours of operation: M-F 8:30-6pm, Sa 10-2 (walk-in only) *Hours may vary during summer semester, breaks and holidays. - Student Health Services (SHS) monthly newsletter:
- Wellness and Health Promotions Services (WPHS) About/HoursWHPS offers a wide variety of services and programs aimed at helping all UCF students be healthy knights! For appointments call 407-823-5841
- Recreation and Wellness Center (RWC) About/HoursAre you a UCF Knight who values healthy lifestyles? Click to the right to put the RWC, RWC @ Knights Plaza, and RWC@Downtown at your fingertips. Search for your favorite event, register your Intramural Sports team, sign up for any of our group exercise classes, participate in any our exciting outdoor adventure trips in-state, out-of-state, or abroad, or join one of our 42 sport clubs. The RWC is UCF’s favorite place to play.
- Arboretum About/Hours